Nuovi sfidanti sono in attesa: tornate a combattere con il prossimo Closed Beta Test!
Il Closed Beta Test di TEKKEN 8 arriva il 20 ottobre e vogliamo condividere con voi tanti nuovi cambiamenti e informazioni!
Per prima cosa: se vi siete persi il precedente articolo che spiegava nel dettaglio il Closed Network Test di TEKKEN, potete recuperarlo qui: TEKKEN 8 - Ecco i contenuti del Closed Network Test!.
Qui sotto troverete tante informazioni sui cambiamenti apportati al gioco, ma prima vediamo quali sono le condizioni per ottenere un posto nel Closed Beta Test:
- Per il Closed Beta Test, ogni partecipante può chiedere l'accesso una sola volta.
- Chi ha partecipato al Closed Network Test (CNT) di luglio potrà giocare al Closed Beta Test. Non è necessario fare di nuovo richiesta.
- È vietato trasferire, acquistare, vendere, prestare o utilizzare una chiave di altri per il Closed Beta Test. Se viene scoperto uno di questi comportamenti la chiave verrà annullata e l'utente bandito.
Ciò premesso, visitate la pagina di registrazione e partecipate al concorso che mette in palio l'accesso al CBT cliccando sul collegamento qui sotto!
E ora, la parte che stavate aspettando: ecco i cambiamenti apportati a TEKKEN 8 rispetto al Closed Network Test di luglio!
- Direct matching
- Chat (Lounge, Nearby, Direct) / Emotes
- Profile / Direct Chat / Friend Request / Rivals / Follow / Block / Report
- Ranked and group matches
- Spectating / ghost matches
- Customization area
- Avatar / character customization
- Tekken fight money shop
- Ranked matches (limited to rank 10)
- Quick matches
- Battle tutorial
- Game Settings: Roll Back Setting / Cross-Platform Setting
- Graphic Settings:
- Effect Saturation
- Resolution / V-Sync / Various graphic quality settings
- Sound Settings / Avatar Camera Settings / Button Mapping / Player Settings
- My profile / Recent opponents list / Friend List / Follow / Rival List / Block List
- • Personaggi aggiunti dal CNT: Raven, Azucena, Feng Wei
- Personaggi dello scorso CNT che ritornano: Jin, Kazuya, Jun, Paul, Law, King, Lars, Jack-8, Xiaoyu, Nina, Leroy, Lili, Asuka, Hwoarang, Bryan, Claudio
- Livelli aggiunti dal CNT: Ortiz Farm
- Livelli dall'ultimo CNT: Urban Square (Evening), Yakushima, Rebel Hangar, Sanctum, Arena
Sistema Heat
We have brought some adjustments to the Heat system to make it more versatile when it comes to aggressive tactics.
- Damage dealt by Heat Bursts (RP+LK or R1 while being in a Heat state) has been adjusted.
- You can now withstand an upper-middle attack (power crush) with a Heat Burst.
- Using Heat Bursts and Heat Dashes together could lead to very long combos – changes were made to reduce these kinds of combos.
- The amount of recoverable damage granted by the effects during the Heat state has been reduced.
- The Heat gauge will now tick down when attacks are blocked while in the Heat state.
- The Heat gauge drain caused by attacks that are enhanced by the Heat state has been increased.
Sistema di battaglia
In addition to the development of the game that took place after the Closed Network Test, we have made more changes that were brought to light by the community’s feedback.
- Improved the performance of Power Crushes.
- Overall performance of reversals and parries have been decreased. The number of techniques that cannot be parried have also been increased.
- Dashes and back-dashes are now easier to perform.
- Added restrictions to wall-hit combos.
- Overall balance adjustment.
Stile speciale
The Special style has been expanded and adjusted to offer more varied strategies when using it.
Funzioni ampliate
- The number of "signature moves" executed with □ has been expanded; multiple moves can now be selected and performed when pressing □ in combination with the directional keys (←, ↓, →).
- In addition to the low attacks that can be performed with 〇, other low attacks and throws can now be performed by pressing 〇 in combination with the directional keys (←, ↓, →).
Modifiche al bilanciamento
- Reviewed and changed the techniques that can be performed with 〇, □, △, or × without using the directional keys.
Effetti visivi
We have heard the feedback of the community regarding battle visibility; the changes made to the visual effects will now give players a wider range of options to play the game as they see fit.
- Reviewed and adjusted the brightness of effects in general.
- The shape and range of some effects have been adjusted to improve visibility.
- Visuals effects visibility should now be significantly reduced when setting them to “low” in the options.
We gathered additional community feedback from the CNT; the following options have been added.
- It is now possible to assign the the L3 and R3 buttons.
- You can now select a different preset outfit for your character.
Come avviare TEKKEN 8
TEKKEN™8 sarà disponibile dal 26 gennaio 2024 per PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, e PC via Steam.